I am linking up with
Deanna Jump to share my to do list... because we all know that summer is just the time to get the things done that you want to do during the year and don't get to! And you thought we had the summer off... HA! :)
*ONE* Most of all, I want to really get my blog off the ground. I had not committed to it until the end of this school year and now it is very important to me to get going! If you have any advice or tips, please let me know! Learning from other teachers is one of my favorite past times. Be a better teacher tomorrow is my motto!
*THREE* Create fluency tubs! I love this idea from
Fourth and Ten. She created multiple
tubs with fluency activities in each and rotates them. I want to adapt this idea for both math and reading. I definitely post on these! (another goal...)
*FOUR* Visit my parents! My parents are moving to Madison, Wisconsin this summer! They are currently in San Antonio and we are from Dallas originally, so this is a huge change for us all! I am so excited to be visiting Madison. I have heard about great food, music, farmers' markets, and mild summers! Please tell me if you have any suggestions if you are from or have been to the area.PI want to see and experience it all!
*FIVE* I have volunteered to develop my school's mentor teacher program. We don't have a lot in place right now, other than assigning a new teacher to an existing one and calling it done. I really have a passion for encouraging and helping new teachers and I want to put a system in place to do just that. What do you do to mentor new teachers at your school?
*SIX* Mentor Sentences! I love the model of grammar instruction introduced to me by
Jivey. I love how when using mentor sentences students see
good examples of grammar. So often they see incorrect uses and are asked to correct it. This is not a bad method, but if incorrect is all they ever see... how will they ever improve. Mentor sentences looks at great uses of grammar and then improves upon it! I want to implement this method of grammar instruction next year!
*SEVEN* PLC Conference! I love conferences so much! We get to learn and have fun with our co-workers. What could be better?!? Some of my closest friends and I will be heading to St. Charles, Missouri to learn how to better communicate and collaborate.
*EIGHT* Get ready to move into our new house! YAY! Our closing date is currently end of August... I am crazy I know. Who moves the first few weeks of school? This crazy gal... that's who. So I need to spend this summer getting as ready as possible. I see many boxes in my future...
*NINE* Get 10 new products on TPT. It is ambitious for a newbie like me... but I have many products
that just need a finishing touch and they will be ready to share. I think you will like them. :)
*TEN* RELAXATION! For me this looks like: